This musical Christmas celebration is a half-hour collection of heartwarming PCC favorites. The presentation begins with “Light of the Stable,” featuring soloist Andrew Orser, and continues with “Away in a Manger (Our Humble King),” a duet by Palik Benjamin and Chloe Pembridge. “Noel,” sung by Kathryn Siefert and the Chamber Ensemble, celebrates the birth of the Savior, and “Carol of the Bells” is performed as a string ensemble with soloist Hyeji Jeong. Then the 2020 men’s group One Accord sings “Mary, Did You Know?,” followed by a beautiful rendition of “How Glorious the Love of Heaven” by the Chamber Ensemble ladies. The celebration comes to an end with “Rejoice,” sung by the Voices of PCC featuring Estevão Gonçalves, and finally, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” a musical farewell delivered by the 2022 Voices of PCC.