An eager audience traveled together through ornate ballrooms, historic battlefields, and renowned concert halls during the 2023 Concert on the Green, performed by the PCCymphony. Led by Dr. Charles Bombard, the musicians performed pieces that toured the crowd through late 19th-century Europe. The journey began in Vienna with “Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka” by J. Strauss II, followed by pieces exemplifying the heartbeat of iconic European locations: Light Cavalry Overture by F. von Suppé; Slavonic Dances, op. 46, no. 8. by A. Dvořák; Hungarian Dances No. 5 by J. Brahms; and “Radetzky March,” op. 228 by J. Strauss I. The concert also featured The Sleeping Beauty Waltz by Tchaikovsky and Thunder and Lightning Polka, op. 324 by J. Strauss II, ending the musical adventure in Czechoslovakia with “Dance of the Comedians” by B. Smetana.